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Filming a Cooking Video

ChikChat® TV and Blog

We know that being healthy is hard work. You have to make time to exercise, plan meals, buy and prepare healthy meals at home, get plenty of sleep and manage stress. Our healthy grab and go meal ideas will help you do just that. We believe food is medicine, in our first in a series, we teach you how to make hummus in minutes and with your own creative flair.

Hummus is a wonderful high-protein, high-fiber dish that is great for grab and go lunches. Especially because it doesn’t not have to be heated to taste yummy. Hummus is sold in the refrigerated section in stores, so it is most frequently enjoyed cold. However, it’s also delicious warmed up. We love this easy, healthy and quick option for an on-the-go lifestyle.

Here’s the recipe we used in the video:

Place the following into a food processor:

  • 1 can chickpeas

  • juice of 1/2 lemon

  • 1 clove chiopped garlic

  • 3 TBSP tahini

  • 3 TBSP olive oil (you can add more if you prefer a creamier hummus)

  • Add fun things like chiles and spinach, along with salt pepper and herbs and spices you enjoy - to taste.

Blend. Stop processor and unlock the top, scrape sides of processor with a spatula. Blend until desired texture.

Please like and share the video. The YouTube URL is:

Updated: May 22, 2024

The sunny season isn't over yet! There's still time to indulge in the hot rays of summer. Huge thank yous to Catie Wiggy at MyChelle Dermaceuticals who walked us through two summer essentials for keeping skin and lips protected and beautiful. These products are clean, effective, and friendly. They fit easily into your beach bag or suitcase- wherever the rest of the summer may take you.  Check out how to care for your skin in the summer heat here:

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